Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
Anyone who lives within one of our parishes is eligible to be baptised, or have their children baptised. It is our policy for baptism to take place during one of our regular Sunday services. Please complete the application form below and we will contact you. If you would like more information about what baptism involves the Church of England has useful resources which you can access here:
If you live in one of our parishes you normally have the right to be married in your parish church, regardless of whether you attend church or not. Anyone else who has attended a church within our benefice regularly, or is on the electoral roll of one of our parishes, is eligible to be married at any church within the seven parishes. In addition, you are eligible to get married in the benefice if you:
Were baptised or confirmed here
Have lived within the parish at any time for at least 6 months
Have habitually attended worship within the Benefice at any time for at least 6 months
or if one of your parents, at any point during your life:
Has lived in one of the parishes at any time for at least 6 months
Has habitually attended worship here for at least 6 months
or if one of your parents or grandparents was married here.
If there has been a previous marriage followed by divorce, we are pleased to offer a service of prayer and dedication following a civil ceremony. Please contact us for further assistance.
To inquire about marriage, please complete the form below. If you have arranged to marry in a different church and need you banns read here, please use the Banns enquiry form.
There is also useful information about planning your wedding on the following link:
Before planning a funeral service, you should choose a funeral director who will oversee the arrangements for you and guide you through the process. They will contact the Rector about arranging the service, but do contact us direct if you would like further assistance. You can find helpful resources for those planning or attending a Church of England funeral on the following link: