I wonder which is your favourite season? Mine is summer, as I love the sunshine and the fact that all of nature is most alive and busy in the summertime. I know many people love Autumn the most, and I can see why – those lovely sunsets, the stunning colours in the trees, the smell of bonfires and the taste of blackberries.
However, these days Autumn can bring with it a sense of the calm before the storm, as we decide whether to believe the attention-grabbing headlines of another very difficult winter for the NHS.
Worrying about the future is part of being human, and so it’s sometimes hard to know what to make of the repeated call in the pages of the Bible not to worry about the future.
I think there is some wisdom in those famous song lyrics: “Que sera sera, Whatever will be will be, The future’s not ours to see…”
Christians face the future with peace not out of fatalism, but because we trust in a God who has proven again and again that he is kind-hearted, that he is deserving of our trust, and has got our best interests at heart, despite what may seem like uncertain and worrying times.
Oliver Strange