March Services
We are continuing to hold physical services in most of our churches. We are able to do this because appropriate precautions have been put in place including regular risk assessments and careful security at services. St Paul’s Church in Broadwell will remain closed during March but all our other churches are open.
To provide for those who aren’t able to meet in person we are also streaming an online service each month. Our next online service will be on Sunday 21st March 2021 at 10.30am. Recorded from Holy Ascension, Oddington our Curate, Rev Helkias Mapimhidze will be speaking. You can access our online services from our benefice website: Please contact the church office on 01451 831424 if you would prefer a DVD of the recorded service.
We have renamed our monthly prayer meeting Central Prayer to reflect the crucial role that prayer has within our lives.
Why not come to our next Central Prayer Meeting on Saturday 6th March 2021, 9am to 10am at Holy Ascension Oddington. Please note the revised time for this month only. This is an opportunity to pray for the work of our church and our villages. You won't be asked to read or to pray out loud; social distancing and mask-wearing will be strictly observed; and we'll start and finish on time.
Lent Course
'The cross of Jesus is the centre of human history, and the centre of the Christian faith. And so it should dominate our view of ourselves, our future... and our present'
This Lent we are looking at Luke's gospel account of the final day of Jesus' life on earth - the hope and anguish; the joy and pain; and his heart-breaking, life-bringing death.
Over five Tuesday evening 'Zoom' sessions we'll be using Mike McKinley's book to discover how Christ's Passion changes our heart, and challenges our life, every day.
Join us, to consider how Christ's final day changes your every day!
Online meetings: Every Tuesday 7:30pm - 8:30pm from Feb 23rd to March 23rd inclusive. (It’s not too late to join in with the remaining sessions in March if you would like to.) Zoom link and book copies available price £5 from the church office ( You'll need to read two short chapters each week before the online discussion meeting.
Youth Update
Please see the newsletter this month written by Mark Smallwood, our Youth Minister.