News for October 2021

Church Services

Please do join us for our United Service at 10.30am on Sunday 3rd October at Holy Ascension, Oddington when all seven parishes combine to worship together.

You can find a list of all services for October published elsewhere in this magazine.

Our New Priest in Charge

Revd Oliver Strange is now installed as Priest in Charge into the seven parishes that make up Evenlode Vale Churches. He has moved into the Broadwell Rectory with his wife Lucie and has written this month’s church letter, published in this magazine.

Central Prayer

Our next Central Prayer meeting will be on Saturday 9th October at 9.30am at Holy Ascension, Oddington. Prayer underpins everything that we do in the Evenlode Vale Churches. Please join with us as we pray for our parishes, and the wider community. All are welcome.

Pastoral Care

If you or anyone you know has any pastoral concerns please contact the churchwarden in your parish who will organise support and liaise with the clergy, providing someone to pray with you if needed. Lists of churchwardens can be found on our website: or in the entrance way/notice boards of each of our parish churches.


Plans are underway to recruit a new youth and families minister. Please pray for the EVMT team as they take the next steps in finding the right person.